Revsol donation reaches historical records

ArcelorMittal Tubarão Revsol donations reached a historical record last July. A total of 123,921.53 kt (kilotons) of coproduct have been donated to 25 state municipalities, to the State Roadways Department (DER-ES) and to the State Secretariat for Agriculture, Supply, Aquiculture and Fishing (SEAG).

As partners of the Novos Caminhos Program they have received the coproduct, a steel making process residue, to use as primary coating for rural roads and pathways.

Another important milestone reached in August was the 4 million tons donates since the beginning of the Program 16 years ago. Present in 64 state municipalities, the Novos Caminhos Program has five Revsol Distribution Centres (CDR) in the state in the municipalities of Alfredo Chaves, Marilândia, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Jaguaré and Brejetuba, which assist the areas where they are located.