Air Management

ArcelorMittal Tubarão has a wide range of mechanisms to mitigate, control and monitor air emissions.

The unit continually invests in new technologies to anticipate the demands of society and remain a benchmark in the global steel industry. Emissions of all types have historically remained at levels below those permitted by Brazilian and European legislation.

The control mechanisms for particulate matter include the Green Belt, with more than 2.6 million trees, thus creating a natural barrier to prevent the dispersion of particles from the internal areas. It is also worth mentioning the Gas Cleaning Bag Filter, installed in 2018 next to the existing electrostatic precipitators, which performs the cleaning of the sintering gas by physically retaining the particles. The European Community identifies this technology as the best available in the world for this purpose.

As for monitoring, the unit has a system that tracks emissions from all internal fixed sources. Environmental agencies and society can track online the data on this continuous monitoring.

Specific Emission Rate of Particulate Matter (Kg/t steel) x Annual Crude Steel Production

Specific Emission Rate of Particulate Matter (Kg/t steel) x Annual Crude Steel Production

Specific Emission Rate of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) x Annual Crude Steel Production

Specific Emission Rate of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) x Annual Crude Steel Production