New Paths Program

Initiated in 2006, New Paths is a collaborative socio-environmental program held by ArcelorMittal Tubarão and Public Agencies in order to contribute to the improvement of urban and rural mobility. Through agreements with city governments and other public agencies, the company donates REVSOL® and REVSOL Plus®, by-products that can be used as primary coating for streets, roads and yards.

'New Paths' combines environmental benefits, as it uses a by-product originated from ArcelorMittal Tubarão’s industrial process as substitute for natural resources, thus improving social indicators. Good roads and streets promote access of the population to public services and contribute to the outflow of agricultural products across Espírito Santo state.

Recognized with national and international awards, the New Paths Program is present in more than 30 municipalities of Espírito Santo state and has already donated approximately 2 million tonnes of by-products, used to improve over 2 thousand roads and pathways.

Mapa Programa Novos Caminhos